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Te ​Whārua ​Limited

Te Ao Māori Consultancy

Te Whārua ​Limited

Creating space for businesses, hapū and iwi to ​cultivate a Te Tiriti based environment through reo ​and tikanga.

Nau mai,





Designed curriculum to suit reo ​enthusiasts of all levels.


Kōrero, wānanga, consultancy to help ​with Māori worldview through a Māori ​lens.

Ng​ā tāonga

Toi - Māori artwork, logos and designs.

Kīorahi - Gain a wider perspective of ​Kīorahi to help develop knowledge, ​teamwork and strategy.

Kua whiti mai te kura o Hawaiki

We offer an arrange of services that will help build a more inclusive, diverse, aroha rich, Māori focussed ​environment.



Ng​ā Tāonga

He rourou iti

He rourou iti is sourced from the proverbial saying, ​ko tō rourou, ko tōku rourou ka ora te iwi e. ​Through shared knowledge, working as a ​collective, respecting each others skills and ​talents, our people will strive.

Te Whārua limited are dedicated to helping ​others achieve their vision. We are guided by ​principles and values that we live by everyday. Te ​Whārua Limited are proud to be able to work with ​and partner with organisations that align with ​what we stand for.

Nau mai, lets work together

Mailing Address

23 Kingsley Drive, Ngongotahā, ​Rotorua 3010

Phone Number

+64 -216-815-70


Email Address